Sunday, 14 August 2011



• Requires you to relay factual information
• Employer is taking your word at face value
• Sample Questions:
Tell me about yourself.
Why did you choose your major?
What is a weakness you have?
Why are you interested in this position?

Behavioral/Emotional/Story Telling:

• Employer makes assumptions about your future
performance based on past behaviors and
• Requires you to offer concrete, specific examples
to reveal skills
• Sample Behavioral Questions:
-Tell me about a time when you exhibited teamwork.
-Give me an example of a challenge you experienced
and how you dealt with it.

"STAR" framework to structure your responses:
What was the SITUATION?
What was your TASK?
What ACTION did you take?
What was the RESULT?

Behavioral Interview Activity

1. Take a few minutes to develop a STAR
response to the following.
Tell me about a time
when you exhibited teamwork.
2. Share your response with the person sitting
next to you.


• Commonly used interview method in business
and consulting fields.
• Interviewee is requested to analyze a
problem/situation and present a solution.
• Employer assesses analytical ability /thought
process, not the accurateness of the response.

Case-Based Examples:

• How many gas stations are there in the U.S.?
• You have eight balls, one of which is heavier than the
others. All the balls appear identical. You have a
balance-type scale, and you can perform trials on the
balls. What is the minimum number of trials required
to determine which is the heaviest ball?

Case Interview Tips

• Listen to the information provided, take notes.
• Take time to think the problem through.
• Identify the key issues
• Frame your answer toward action. Identify what steps
you would take.
• Share your ideas or thoughts that brought you to your
proposed solution.
• Identify resources you would use/seek.

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