Sunday 14 August 2011

Top Ten Things Not to Say on a Job Interview

1. That suit looks expensive! How much money do you
make, anyway?
2. What would my salary be? I have to make more than I
did at my last job.
3. I’ve never heard of your company before. What type of
business is this?
4. It wasn’t my fault. My coworkers had it in for me.
5. My boss was a jerk. I didn’t have to think twice about
quitting after what he did.
6. How much time do you give for maternity leave?
7. How many vacation days will I have each year? I love to
travel. I was thinking of Australia next year.
8. If someone files a harassment charge against me,
you would cover for me, right?
9. I’d rather be working in my own field, but I can’t find
anyone who will hire me, so this will do for now.
10. Can I have my own office? I really don’t like working
with other people.

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