Sunday 14 August 2011

Interview Dress Code


• Suit: preferably skirt suit, pants acceptable
• Skirt: not overly short or tight
• Makeup: minimum, nothing too bold
• Jewelry: nothing too large or noisy that would
be distracting.
• Perfume: lite application, if any
• Nylons/dress socks- in similar color tone to
• Shoes- no sneakers or sandals


• Suit preferable- jacket, tie, & slacks acceptable
• Cologne- lite application, if any
• Jewelry- nothing too large or noisy that would
be distracting.
• Dress socks- try to closely match the color of
your dress pants
• Shoes- no sneakers or sandals

1 comment:

  1. Good information to know and right to the point. Thanks for this well written post, i’ll follow up for more updates if you keep posting them
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